Marine Imaging

Workshop 2024

Illuminating the Ocean

October 7-10, 2024

Monterey, California

Image: MBARI's Bioinspiration Lab


Marine Imaging Workshop

The Marine Imaging Workshop (MIW) is focused on bringing together scientists and engineers around the world to present the state of the art in marine imaging and discuss strategies for effective advancement of the field. Topics will cover everything from the start to finish of image analysis: image collection, processing of images prior to annotation, still/video annotation, the future of annotation, and data management. Meetings like MIW are important for the community to make new connections, stimulate innovation, encourage the next generation of researchers, and for industry to identify future needs. [...]



2024-06-27: Early registration has been extended to August 1, 2024
2024-06-13: Abstract submission is now closed and they are being reviewed by the Science Committee. A big thanks to all who submitted abstracts! We will be in touch soon. We are aware that some of you will need your abstract feedback before you can register. We will extend the registration deadline as needed to accommodate this.


JUN 10, 2024
Abstract deadline
JUL 8, 2024
Student assistance request deadline Student Assistance Request
JUL 24, 2024
Scientific program finalized
AUG 1, 2024
Early registration deadline ($550) Register
AUG 2, 2024
Late registration begins ($700)
OCT 7-10, 2024
Marine Imaging Workshop

Latest News

JUN 27, 2024
Early registration has been extended to August 1, 2024
JUN 11, 2024
Abstract Submission is closed
JUN 2, 2024
Abstract deadline extended to June 10th!!
APR 8, 2024
Application for Researcher Registration Assistance is now open.
MAR 25, 2024
Registration is now open!
JAN 24, 2024
Abstract Submission is now open.
JAN 24, 2024
Applications for student assistance is now open.
SEP 25, 2023
MIW signed with the Monterey Convention Center for the October 2024 meeting.
SEP 15, 2023
The MIW meeting has been funded by OES

Organizing Committees

Scientific Organizing Committee


For more information contact